Sh2-112 First Light Image with the ZWO ASI 6200 CMOS camera
Published 6 Aug 2020

Larger size jpg images available here: Full Resolution
About this object
This is my first light image using my new ZWO ASI6200 full frame CMOS camera. The Object is Sharpless 2-112 (Sh2-112) in the constellation Cygnus. The image was taken using my Stellarvue SVX152T 6" refractor at f8 or 1216mm focal length, a 5nm Astrodon Ha filter, and is comprised of 27 (20min) exposures for a total exposure time of 540min. It was taken over two nights, one prior and during the full moon in Aug 20. The image has only been calibrated, Dynamic Background Extraction and an auto screen stretch applied in PixInsight. No further processing was done. Be sure to click on the full resolution image in order to see more details.
I also shot this image last year using the same scope but used SBIG STL 11K camera and I was shooting at f6 or 898mm focal length. I did a relative comparison using the two camera's which you can find here.
This is my first light image using my new ZWO ASI6200 full frame CMOS camera. The Object is Sharpless 2-112 (Sh2-112) in the constellation Cygnus. The image was taken using my Stellarvue SVX152T 6" refractor at f8 or 1216mm focal length, a 5nm Astrodon Ha filter, and is comprised of 27 (20min) exposures for a total exposure time of 540min. It was taken over two nights, one prior and during the full moon in Aug 20. The image has only been calibrated, Dynamic Background Extraction and an auto screen stretch applied in PixInsight. No further processing was done. Be sure to click on the full resolution image in order to see more details.
I also shot this image last year using the same scope but used SBIG STL 11K camera and I was shooting at f6 or 898mm focal length. I did a relative comparison using the two camera's which you can find here.
Image Details
- Optics : Stellarvue SVX 152 refractor @f8 1200mm FL
- Mount: Paramount MYT
- Camera: ZWO ASI6200
- Filters: Astrodon
- Exposure (min): Ha: 540min 2x2 binning
- Gain: 100, Offset 50
- Camera/Mount Control: The Sky X, Voyager
- Guiding: StarlightXpress Lodestar X2
- Processing: PixInsight 1.8,
- Location: Stark Bayou Observatory, Ocean Springs, MS
- Sky: Typical SQM 19.6-20.1, Bortle 5, Suburban
- Date: Aug 2020